Guy Who Knows a Guy Podcast Application
I now run five podcasts, four of which have guests, so this is the one podcast application to rule them all so that I can get a good sense of who you are, what you do, and which podcast you'd best be a fit for.

What are the 5 podcasts? I'm glad you asked!

The Guy Who Knows a Guy Podcast - This was the original, now hosting nearly 200 interviews. In the coming 5th season, I am interviewing highly successful entrepreneurs who have grown their business through some variety of networking, whether it's a personal network, joint ventures, networking groups, or anything else in the networking space.

Neurodiversity Superpowers Podcast - Since I changed my own perception of my ADHD from disability to superpower, I have become interested in changing this narrative. Since the majority of successful entrepreneurs are neurodiverse, this podcast has a lot of the same people who might be on The Guy Who Knows a Guy Podcast, but we get to have a very interesting conversation about the power of our differences, and I have been learning some really valuable stuff doing this show.

Joint Venture Insider Show - One of the most direct ways to monetize a network is joint ventures, especially affiliate joint ventures. Since 2020, this space is changing rapidly, and even the top experts aren't on top of all the changes. This show lets me talk to the people at the cutting edge and keep my finger on the pulse of this space.

Power Lunch Live Show -  A good podcast is laser focused on a certain topic, and that's what the two above do, so the Power Lunch Live Show is a place for me to invite a broad swath of interesting people. This show welcomes guests from all industries and disciplines. It is a chance to meet people I wouldn't otherwise meet and learn things I wouldn't otherwise learn.

Morning Motivation - A few years ago, I was looking for a quick hit of motivation and inspiration in the morning. No interviews. No long lessons. Just a quick boost before I got out of bed. I couldn't find it, so I made it. It is by far the most popular of the shows I run.

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