Over the last two decades, Douglas Vermeeren has conducted extensive firsthand research into the lives of the world’s top achievers. He has the success strategies of top business leaders from Nike, Reebok, Fruit of the Loom, FedEx, KFC, United Airlines, Microsoft, Disney, and others to share with you.
He has been called the world most effective wealth coach and the worlds #1 Passive income coach. He doesn’t teach or focus on theory – he gets results.
Today he is the featured expert on FOX, CNN, FOX Business, ABC, NBC and others. Appearing on both television, radio and print to regularly share the powerful wealth strategies the most wealthy use. He has been featured in the New York times, Money magazine, Inc, Fortune, Forbes and the Huffington post.
For his powerful insights into financial and business success the media now refers to him as the modern day Napoleon Hill.
Check out his next movie: https://howthoughtsbecomethings.com
Other Links: Morning Motivation Facebook Group Morning Motivation
I would have loved to hear you talk more about his career in movies and acting. You should have him on again for that.