What is swagger? It is a sense of comfort in the world. It’s taking the sense of familiarity you have on your home turf and taking it everywhere because the entire world is your home turf.
Have you ever been at a party and met someone you assumed was the host because they were so comfortable? That’s swagger.
Have you known someone who would cut through back hallways and “staff only” doors to get where they needed to go and no one ever questioned them? That’s swagger.
It’s not arrogance. If you’ve got swagger, you don’t need arrogance. Arrogance is what it looks like when someone pretends to have it but is secretly worried that they’ll be found out.
You’ve heard the expression “what could you do if you knew you could not fail?”
How about this one: “What could you do if you did not care if you failed?”
If you’ve got swagger, you don’t care if you fail because you know you can never really fail. You can try and succeed, or you can try and learn something.
Everyone feels imposter syndrome. Everyone looks at others who are better than them and wonders if they fit in among those great people.
Swagger is deciding that you do. It is acknowledging that you’re not the best and you don’t have to be because you’ve got something to offer and people are luck to have it.
You don’t need permission to have swagger. You don’t need success to have swagger. You just decide to have it.
It is as simple as that. It is as complicated as that.
It is as easy as that. It is as hard as that.
When you can master yourself to the degree that you can decide to have swagger, then you are entitled to it.
Would you like to find your swagger? That’s part of what a coach does. I help people get in touch with makes them powerful and develop that self mastery to get that swagger. To learn more, set up a complementary coaching session at http://michaelwhitehouse.coach.