You’ve heard me talk about EntrepreNERD.
Maybe you attended EntrepreNERD, Episode IV: A New Summit.
Maybe you’re planning to attend EntrepreNERD, Episode V: The Summit Strikes Back, on September 19th.
Maybe you’re going to apply to be a speaker at EntrepreNERD before the deadline next Monday.
You may be wondering if this event fits into a larger plan or if it is this summit another of the ADHD squirrels I chase around in my business?
The answer is yes. Definitely.
But sometimes those squirrels line up and run information. (It’s amazing to watch.)
Long before I was a coach or a networker or a Networking Concierge, I was a geek. I was first on staff at a sci fi convention at the age of 16. I opened a game store right out of college. One of the first things I did when Pandemic times began was to start a D&D game on Zoom.

So, when a conversation at a virtual networking event turned to the fact that so many entrepreneurs are geeks and that there would be much interest in a geek flavored entrepreneurial event, I was all over it.
And by all over it, I mean that I put it on a shelf for a year waiting for the tools and time to arrive to run it. Twelve short months later, EntrepreNERD was born!
Then, completely separately, I had the idea to share the amazing stories of successful neurodiverse people throught the Neurodiversity Superpowers Podcast and then to support that audience with the Superpowers Mastermind.
EnterpreNERD and Neurodiversity Superpowers were two completely separate things run by the same guy. Then it hit me, a great many of the geeky people I know are neurodiverse and a great many of the neurodiverse people I know are geeky, and many of both of entrepreneurs.
That was my Reeses Peanut Butter Cup moment, without the creepy shopkeeper.
The podcast will be promoting the summit. The summit will be promoting the mastermind. And through it all we’ll be supporting geeky, awesome, inspiring, and inspired entrepreneurs like you.
Great story, Michael. What should I do now?
First, you should subscribe and listen to the Neurodiversity Superpowers Podcast.
(Link for Apple Podcasts) (Link for Google Podcasts)
Second, you should either register to attend EntrepreNERD or apply to be a speaker at EntrepreNERD.