Foundations Inner Circle Affiliate

Thank you for your interest in being an affiliate for the Foundations Inner Circle

The Foundations Inner Circle is a low cost membership for any entrepreneur who would like support in all those little questions that constantly pop up in their business, as well to understand the powerful Nine Foundational Questions of Business.

Members pay $100 per month to access a weekly call led directly by Michael Whitehouse, a Telegram group, as well as all recordings from the 25+ summits per year Michael runs and access to JV Connect.

As an affiliate you get 30% commission on your referrals for as long as they stay in the program.

How we promote it

There are three ways to promote this program to your audience: the weekly presentation, the ebook, and a direct introduction.

All affiliate links are through Thrivecart, so as long as you have a Thrivecart account, it’s a quick click to get signed up.

Currently, Michael runs a weekly presentation every Tuesday at 5 PM Eastern, and you can sign up to promote that presentation as an affiliate here. (You can sign up to attend one yourself here.)

There is an ebook which you can sign up as an affiliate for here.

You can also just refer people to Michael directly to his email at If you do, I encourage you to sign up as an affiliate for the program itself here. You can also just send people to the page that leads you to if you have someone who just wants to sign up.

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Subject: Do you find yourself buying the wrong programs?

If you are like most entrepreneurs, you’ve made more than a few investments and later wondered why.

Often, it is because we know there is something missing in our business, but we can’t put our finger on what it is.

Then we meet an exciting, charismatic, wise, and brilliant expert.

We love their energy.
We love their ideas.
We love their confidence.

So we buy whatever they are selling, only to find that it wasn’t actually the missing piece we needed.

My friend Michael Whitehouse, The Guy Who Knows a Guy, is working to fix this.

He has developed a framework called The Nine Foundational Questions of Business. By understanding these 9 questions and where you do (and do not) have good answers, you will get a clear sense of what you do (and do not) need to move forward.

He is offering a free training on the Nine Questions and how to use them for your business.

Check it out. You’ll be glad you did.