Live Your Greatness

If you are living your greatness, you will have passion. So stopping is no longer an option. Get yourself to a place where the idea of stopping what you’re doing is abhorrent. If you want to stop or take a break, you’re on the wrong path. When you get to where you have the passion for what you’re doing, working no longer feels like work. Setting your intentions might be hard, but the universe will hear you and help you get there.

Saschas Things by Sascha Ende



That Little Voice is Asking the Wrong Question

Sometimes you have a little voice in your head that questions your importance. But turn those questions around. You’ve been given a unique obligation to use your greatness to make the world a better place. You’re the only person who can use your greatness, and if you give up forever, you’ll let the world down. Falling down is okay, but you have to get back up and keep going.

Driving to the Night by Frank Schröter



Passion Is a Must

You must have passion for what you’re doing. You’re going to fail multiple times before you get it right. Without passion, those failures would result in you giving up. But every failure becomes a lesson if you have the passion for what you’re doing, and giving up never even crosses your mind. With passion, you’re going to make what you’re doing go somewhere.

A Life Full Of Happiness by MusicLFiles



Assets vs Liabilities

An asset is something that generates money while a liability costs money. While that’s not the accounting definition, this thinking suits our message today. Rich people tend to invest their money while poor people put their money into things that they think are assets, but end up being liabilities (like houses). So put your resources into things that will get you additional resources.

From Heaven To Hell by Frank Schröter



No One Can Make You

No one can make you do something you don’t want to do. They might be able to make you want to do something, but only your choice causes you to do it. You might think you don’t have a choice. But you always have a choice. Not making a choice is a choice. Only you can make you do anything. Don’t be complicit and let people walk on you or hold you back. Discover amazing power by making your choices for you.

A Competitive Technology For The Future by MusicLFiles



Learning from Adversity

Instead of asking, “why is this happening to me?” ask, “what can this teach me?” Only through resistance do you grow. You get stronger each time you encounter adversity. So take on those challenges head on, and find out what you’re meant to learn! It will help you share the greatness you have.

Epic by RamolPro



Your Life Has Led to This Point

If you could change something in your past, would you? Your life is the culmination of everything that’s led to this point. Your experiences can help teach others to not make the same mistakes that you made. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Focus on where you want to go!

Haven [full version] by Alexander Nakarada



Take the First Step

If you could do anything you wanted, if money were no objection, what would you do? Forget the practicalities. How would you spend your time and share your greatness? It is possible. Fix in your mind what you want to do, and that it’s possible. What would it take for you to get there? Think about it step-by-step. You’ll discover that no step is impossible.

Windswept Plains by Brian Holtz Music

