Groton Improvement Association

Groton is a great town and a great community. We have excellent schools, great services, and wonderful residents.

We also have too many empty storefronts and buildings. Not enough events and activities outside of Mystic, and a general sense of being stuck.

There are as many ideas of what we should do as excuses why we can’t.

Bringing Solutions to Excuses

“The zoning rules are too strict.” “The funding is not available.” “We don’t know if there’s demand.” “The town isn’t supportive.”

For years, I have lived in Groton and worked with various business and government groups. They all want the same thing, but over and over I hear questions and challenges posed which could be answered by someone right down the street, but the conversation doesn’t happen.

As a networking concierge I work with people around the globe to make introductions, create deals, and solve problems, and I am bringing that spirit to my home of Groton.

The Groton Improvement Association, at its core, will be an organization that will make connections.

Need funding? We’ll find investors.

Planning challenges? We’ll create conversations with the right boards and town staff.

Partners needed to make it work? We’ll find those partners.

Who, Not How

No one person has the answer. If they did, I wouldn’t see empty storefronts out my window. The answer exists among the right people, and we’re going to bring those people together.

If you would like to be part of the solution, share your information on the form below, and we’ll keep you informed of upcoming meetings and events.