I am back from California, and this trip will go down as one of those that deliniates a moment of before and after.
What’s that? It’s one of those events where it was sufficiently transformative that there is a distinct difference between the time before and the time after.
Didn’t you come back like two weeks ago?
Yeah. I did, and there has been a lot of catching up to do.
I was out there for JVX, which is the live event that JVIC runs. JVX is three days, but there was a second event run by Michael Neeley and Jay Fiset called Reach that ran immediately after.
It was an amazing experience to get to see so many people whom I’ve known online for so long.
It was even more amazing to feel the energy, the community vibe, the almost sense of family of the JVIC community. But that’s not why it was so impactful.
That week was so impactful because a couple of weeks earlier it had become aparent to me that I needed to build something that would serve more than just the highly select group of people that my Networking Concierge program serves. At that point, however, I didn’t know what it was.
Through the course of those six days, the pieces began to fall into place.
I clarified what I had to share.
I clarified whom I could help.
I clarified what my gifts were that could make this work.
Most importantly, I clarified what I am meant to do.
I am meant to build communities. It’s what I did in my first business out of college. It’s what I did when I ran conventions. It’s what I should do now.
It soon became equally obvious whom I should serve: the kind of entrepreneurs who are most underserved. Those who are just starting out.
Too many people struggle when they begin, like I did. They don’t know where to invest their time, money, and energy, and there are too many bad actors trying to take all three.
Too many entrepreneurs give up before they get started because they fall in with the wrong crowd.
I came out of this trip knowing that I needed to build the community of good people who will guide those who aspire to entrepreneurship.
Of course, this community will serve more advanced entrepreneurs as well, but the ones it will be life changing for will be the newest among our community.
I came back from California with the seeds of The Entrepreneur Mentor Community.
A community of experienced, competent, heart-centered, mission-driven coaches, service providers, course creators, and professionals who offer advice, guidance, and (yes) paid programs from a place of service and support.
No Lambo Bro Marketers here. No one sticking their hand in your pocket for a quick buck. This is a place for those who have been successful to support those who will one day be successful… or more successful.
As I write this, we have over 30 Mentors signed on, and many more coming every day.
30 Mentors who are excited to share their knowledge, support, and programs to help the next generation of entrepreneurs make a difference.
Membership is only $47 per month, and I hope you will consider joining us in this community.
(If you would like to learn about sharing this with your community or how you can be a Mentor, contact me and we can talk about that.)